Rasmussen’s Masterful Pace Secures Victorious Sprint in the LMP2 category at Daytona 24 Hours

Rasmussen’s Masterful Pace Secures Victorious Sprint in the LMP2 category at Daytona 24 Hours

P1racenews AI automatic summary:

Rasmussen pace key to “sitting duck” Era’s LMP2 Daytona 24 Hours win

Scotsman Dalziel, who previously won the Daytona 24 overall in 2010 and the LMP2 class in 2021, clinched a hat-trick victory despite having a lower straight-line speed compared to his class rivals, led by Malthe Jakobsen’s Crowdstrike by APR entry in the final stint. Rasmussen, who was part of the winning team alongside Dalziel, Zilisch, and Merriman, crossed the finish line first, with a six-second lead over Jakobsen after a strong finish following a late caution. Despite fierce competition from other cars, Dalziel acknowledged that Era Motorsport had better long pace and attributed their success to a strategic gamble, opting for high downforce, which made them vulnerable when being drafted by other cars. However, once they established a significant lead, they were able to manage the pace and secure the win. Rasmussen expressed concern over a late caution that threatened their victory but felt confident in their ability to pull away when the race resumed. Zilisch, the youngest driver on the team, made an early mistake but delivered an impressive double stint before Rasmussen secured the win. He praised Rasmussen’s composure and acknowledged the wild few weeks he had experienced while remaining grounded and focused on his development as a driver.

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